.My goal as a healthcare provider is to assist patients in the recovery and maintenance of your physical health.
Care is provided for both acute issues (immediate injury from perhaps bending or lifting incorrectly) and for chronic aches and pains (headaches, or age related ailments such as arthritis). Chiropractic care is for students, homemakers, office workers, professionals, labourers, casual and competitive athletes, seniors and retired.
Because of the diversity of healthcare in general and chiropractic specifically; the information on this website is intended to be only an introduction to chiropractic healthcare as offered by this office. If you are in need of more specific information, please contact the office by using the "Ask a Question..." link;
calling or
emailing me; I will address your inquiries personally.
APPOINTMENT INFORMATION - appointments can be made by phone 780.466.4766, email Dr.Jiry@gmail.com or online using this "
Appointment Booking" link.
Pre-booking appointments is appreciated as it allows for proper allocation of required time slots as New Patients and Reevaluations require a longer booking time. Walk-ins are welcome, however pre-scheduled appointments are given priority.
Initial/ NEW PATIENT (2024) visit: $120. The initial visit begins with the completion of the appropriate paperwork and includes taking a health history, examination, explanation, Q/A session, and treatment (if appropriate). Referral for x-rays will be made if necessary. Depending on the complexity of the condition(s) the duration of the initial session typically ranges between 30 and 60 minutes.
Subsequent/ RETURN (2024) visit(s): $70. Sessions require less time and are usually 15 to 30 minutes.
The frequency and number of visits are determined by various factors such as the type of condition, the severity of the condition, the age and body habitus you present with along with your other general health factors. Patients appreciate that healing is a process happening over a duration of time (and not an instant event.) Lasting improvements are achieved with only time and persistence (think healing a cut, learning a new skill, losing weight, and/ or achieving the fitness level to run long distance). You are educated about your condition such that you then can decide what type of treatment to pursue. Patients are not obligated or contracted into chiropractic treatment at this office and are encouraged to make their own best healthcare choice(s).
Many patients choose to continue with chiropractic care to help maintain improvement and minimize relapses; similar to having regular dental check-ups. The decision of how long you choose to benefit from chiropractic care at this office is always up to you, the patient.
REGUL AR VISIT FEES: (Initial and/or Follow-up visits): Patients are responsible for the cost of their visit. The fee of the first visit is $120 (2024) and subsequent adult visits are $70 (2024) (or $65 for senior age 65+). Seniors may qualify for a subsidy from Alberta Blue Cross (see Benefit Plans below). Please note that payment is due at the time services are rendered. Acceptable payment is: Cash, Visa, MC, Debit and/ or direct billings to select insurance companies (some exceptions apply).
BENEFIT PL ANS: Patients may have coverage through either a work benefit package or extended healthcare plan. Various companies provide different plans and varying amounts of coverage. It is recommended that patients consult their provider to determine the details of their individual plan. Many benefit plans can be direct billed by this office; please contact the office at 780.466.4766 or
Dr.Jiry@gmail.com for more information. (Please note that Alberta Health and Wellness (AHW) no longer subsidizes chiropractic care in Alberta as of July 01, 2009.)
MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISIONS: Patients involved in MVCs and who have vehicle insurance issued in Alberta, are covered by the appropriate vehicle insurance company. Insurance companies are billed directly, provided that the patient has: A) presented to a chiropractor, medical doctor or physio-therapist within 10 days of the collision date and B) has made contact with their own insurance company.